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The Almighty "Carb" & The Keto Diet

Written by Kathleen Tormey

When you open your eyes in the morning, yawn, and get out of bed, your body is fueled by an immediate form of energy stored in your muscles. This energy is created by consuming carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are 1 of 3 Macro Nutrients - the other two are Protein, Fat. Macros have become a buzz word recently, The energy or calories in the food we eat, comes from these three Macro Nutrients. Macro means large and these basic nutrients are necessary in large quantities to sustain our growth, metabolism and other bodily functions.

Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy. The fruit, vegetables, and grain food groups all contain carbohydrates. Sweeteners like sugar, honey, and syrup and foods with added sugar like candy, soda and cookies all contain carbohydrates.

Your body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose. Glucose, or blood sugar is the main and quickest source of energy for your body's cells, tissues and organs. Glucose is broken down into glycogen and stored in your muscles for "quick" energy - opening your eyes, yawning, and getting up.

If you over do the carbs, your blood sugar levels can get too high. This causes your body to make more insulin, which tells your cells to save the extra glycogen as fat. That can be unhealthy, if your already carrying a few extra pounds. It can lead to diabetes an other related health issues.

Why does the popular "keto" diet reduce carbohydrate intake? The "Keto" diet is a very low carb, high fat diet that shares many similarities with the "Atkins" and low carb diets. It involves drastically reducing carb intake and replacing it with fat. The reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called "ketosis", which promotes the use of "fat" as a primary energy source.

Keto reduces carb's to about 50 grams per day - anything above that would not be low enough and ineffective.

Complete Physique does not promote eliminating any macro nutrient from your diet. It's not possible physically or mentally over the long haul.

But, I do want you to think of carbs as an large energy source. If you are not active, then you don't need to be over doing the carbs.

I challenge you to look at your plate and ask yourself "what is this food going to do for me?" Am I eating 70 percent carbs and sitting at a desk or on a couch watching TV 60 percent of the day? Then you will certainly put weight on.

Just like everything, there must be a balance

Please feel free to reach out with questions -



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